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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Oilcoholics - Time for a Major Oil Change?

America's dependence on fossil fuels and the impact of over consumption has never been more apparent than it is today.

The extent to which the world's largest and arguably most destructive, industry influences and dictates policy and politics--particularly in the United States today--is what is called PetroPolitics. Our collective addiction to oil is at the root of at least six fundamental issues facing our nation, and our planet, today: corporate-driven globalization, global warming, poverty, war, terrorism, and the undue influence of money on the political process.

"Addicted to Oil": How Can U.S. Fulfill Bush Pledge? - The U.S. imports approximately 60 percent of its oil, but relatively little comes from the Middle East. More from National Geographic News.

Bush Pushes for Alternative Energy - Good Morning America aired news on February 21, 2006 of Chairman Bush speaking about alternative energy, and additionally, 100 MPG plug-in hybrid electric cars. View this clip at (Requires latest version of Apple QuickTime) Download this file (4MB)

'Addiction to oil' cure has a long way to go - The real driver of change is cost, said California Environmental Protection Agency Secretary Alan Lloyd. The price of oil on the international market is way up and out of U.S. control. More at

Oil independence is possible, but does America want it bad enough? - President Bush's State of the Union pledge to end America's oil "addiction" and his tour of emerging energy technology centers have touched off a national debate on how to achieve energy independence. There are ways to break America's oil addiction, experts say, but it won't be easy. Cures include stricter conservation, higher fuel-economy standards, alternative fuels made from common crops and next-generation batteries for hybrid cars that could get more than 100 mpg. More at

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